Monday, November 14, 2011

Mommy, Daddy, Help!

For our written medium, our little Asian cultures group decided to go with a Chinese artefact.
After much discussion we decided bamboo scroll would be the best option since it would fit into our time frame. I was in charge of writing down the phrase onto the bamboo.
Supplies were kindly contributed by other Alicia and Scott.
The only issue was I had no idea how to write it or even what to write.
That's when Moms and Pops came to the rescue!
It was quite interesting trying to write this using ancient mediums but doing so by watching my parents on Skype. I regret now that I did not print shot any of the Skype session.

The final result was:
credit to Kody Wood
We decided to go with phrases that were well-known and would typically be put on a scroll for gift purposes. Since typically these bamboo scrolls were used (and actually still are being used) for being given to friends and families.

So thanks Mom and Dad! Thanks for being Asian!

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